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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I have carefully read the Ethical Publication Policies established by RNP and I declare that I adhere to them.
  • The manuscript contributes to the academic debate on psychiatry, neurology, neurosciences, mental health, behavioral sciences, child psychiatry and pediatric neurology.
  • The manuscript has been prepared in accordance with the RNP Instructions for Authors.
  • I have been designated as correspondent author and I promise to maintain communication between the authors and the RNP, while the application, evaluation, observation and publication phases remain in force.
  • The manuscript is unpublished, has not been previously published nor has it been submitted to another journal.

Author Guidelines

1. Manuscript submission

Before submitting your contributions (hereinafter «manuscript») to the Revista de Neuro-Psiquiatría (RNP) (Journal of Neuro-Psychiatry), please check carefully the compliance with the Ethical Publication Policies established by the journal. Please note that the journal requires that all manuscripts be prepared according to what is described in this document.

Manuscripts shall be submitted through the journal's web platform: Open Journal System – OJS (see tutorial).

2. Sections of the journal 

RNP's sections are organized according to the following forms of editorial publication:

  • Editorial
  • Original article
  • Review article
  • Special article
  • Brief communications
  • Special articles
  • Case reports
  • Letter to the editor
  • In Memoriam

The editorial committee reserves the right to commission the sections «Editorial», «Special article» and «In memoriam» notes.

3. Parts of the manuscript

RNP follows the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for the submission of manuscripts to medical journals. Authors interested in submitting their manuscripts should identify the section where they wish to postulate their manuscript, verify which annexes determined by the journal should be attached and check that the manuscript complies with the required parts (see table 1).

Table 1. Manuscript sections, length of manuscript parts and annexes determined by the journal.


          * Review the «Ethical considerations in research» section of RNP's Ethical Policies for publication.

4. Documents to attach

All sections, with the exception of «Editorial», shall submit annexes 1, 2 and 3 (cover letter, affidavit, and declaration of financing and conflict of interest, respectively) in addition to the manuscript. Verify that it shall be sent together with the required annexes (see table 1), according to the section to which you are applying.

Annex 1. Cover letter (download format)

Addressed to the editor-in-chief of RNP, requesting the evaluation of the manuscript. The letter should include the title of the paper, the full name of the authors and the section to which the paper is being submitted. The letter shall be signed by the author designated to maintain the communication (author of correspondence).

  • Studies involving humans, human material or data shall attach proof of approval from a research ethics committee, detailing the name of the committee and the date of approval. This information should also be stated in the «Materials and methods» section of the manuscript. If the study is exempt from ethical approval, this should be stated in the same section. RNP will reject the manuscript if it identifies non-compliance with the ethical framework.
  • All research involving human participants or groups of humans in a clinical trial with pharmaceutical products or medical devices, conducted in Peruvian territory, shall be registered in the Peruvian Clinical Trials Registry (REPEC) platform and have the authorization of the General Office of Research and Technology Transfer (OGITT) of the National Institute of Health (INS). Also, clinical trials conducted outside Peruvian territory shall be registered in the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) of the World Health Organization (WHO) and comply with the legal requirements of its jurisdiction.
  • By order of the Peruvian INS, studies dealing with tuberculosis or COVID-19 shall be registered on the Health Research Projects (PRISA) platform. The registration form shall be attached.

Annex 2. Affidavit (download format)

It shall be signed by all authors. It is stated that the article submitted is the intellectual property of the authors and that it has not been published in or submitted for evaluation to another journal. In addition, they shall assign the reproduction, editing and publication rights to RNP once the manuscript is accepted.

Annex 3. Declaration of financing and conflict of interest (download format)

Indicate the possible conflicts of interest of the author(s), whether economic, institutional, labor or personal, as well as the possible origin of the financing received in the form of subsidies, donation of equipment or contribution of medicines or other types of support. Without this declaration, the online submission cannot be accepted.

5. Formalities

The manuscript should be prepared in Word format, in Times New Roman or Arial 12-point font, with 1.5 spacing and 3 cm margins. Subtitles and parts of the manuscript should also be in bold font.

6. Parts of the manuscript

The parts of the manuscript shall be structured according to the section to which it applies (see table 1). Omit parts not considered in a section.

a.  First page (title page)

This page shall contain:

  • Clear and explanatory title of the main findings of the manuscript, no more than 20 words and translated into English.
  • Information from the author(s). Names and surnames should be included; academic affiliation in descending order, for example, university, faculty and department (each author should be identified with a maximum of two affiliations, as long as they refer to different institutional instances, for example, university and hospital); city and country; highest academic degree achieved (avoid mentioning others that do not correspond, such as resident, professor, candidate, etc.); institutional e-mail and ORCID identifier (in case you do not have one, you can create it here). You can review the Manual for the declaration of institutional affiliation in publications of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.
  • Declaration of conflict of interest.
  • Authorship contribution. Only initial the first and last names of each author, followed by a description of their contribution.
  • Indicate the designated author for correspondence and include his/her e-mail address.
  • Acknowledgments (if any).

b.  Abstract

It should accurately reflect the content and purpose of the study.

The sections «Original article», «Review article» and «Brief communications» require structured abstracts, expressly stating: objective, methods, results and main conclusions. Case reports require unstructured summaries.

c.  Keywords

After the abstract, add the keywords and their translation into English. It is suggested to use the DeCS/MeSH (BIREME health sciences descriptors).

d.    Introduction

It should provide the context or background of the study, as well as specify what the research is intended to achieve.

e.  Materials and methods

It should contain information on the procedures performed, in a concise and clear manner.

  • Ethical considerations in research. For studies with humans or animals, the ethics committee that approved the work and the number of the certificate of approval shall be indicated. It should be indicated if the study is exempt from ethical approval (see Ethical publication policies - RNP).
  • Clinical trials. Include the registration number in REPEC and PRISA, for those performed in Peruvian territory; or in ICTRP for clinical trials performed outside Peruvian territory. (See Ethical publication policies - RNP).

f.   Results

It should concisely describe the information discovered. Emphasize the most important observations, without unnecessarily repeating all the data in the tables or figures in the text.

g.  Discussion

It should promote academic discussion on the topic studied, briefly summarize the main findings and possible explanations for them. Compare your results with those of other researchers. It may include new hypotheses, when justified, as well as the limitations of the study.

h.    Conclusions

The conclusions of the study are presented, which shall be linked to the objectives, without considering those that are not scientifically supported. If necessary, recommendations shall be added.

i.    References

It should only show the sources used in the manuscript, using the Vancouver style.

  • For citations place Arabic numerals in parentheses, for example: (1, 2), (3), (1-4), not in square brackets or superscripts. 
  • The list of references should be numbered consecutively and indicate:



  1. Augras M. Las fuentes explícitas de los trabajos antropológicos de Freud. Arch Bras Psicol. 1995; 34(2): 3-15.
  2. Batra K, Sharma M, Batra R, Singh TP, Schvaneveldt N. Assessing the psychological impact of COVID-19 among college    students:    an   evidence    of    15    Healthcare (Basel) [Internet]. 2021; 9(2): 222.  Available in:
  3. Brenneisen Mayer F, Souza Santos I, Silveira PSP, Itaqui Lopes MH, Navarro Dias de Souza AR, Paes Campos E, et al. Factors associated to depression and anxiety in medical students: a multicenter study. BMC Med Educ [Internet]. 2016; 16(1): 282. Available in:

 For sources with seven or more authors, list only the first six and add "et al.”


  1. Carballal M, Gago A, Ares J, del Rio M, García C, Goicoechea A, et al. Prevalencia de trastornos del neurodesarrollo, comportamiento y aprendizaje en Atención Primaria. An Pediatría [Internet]. 2018; 89: 153-61. Available in:

For various examples consider the recommendations of the National Library of Medicine.

j.  Additional considerations: tables, figures and other stylistic aspects

Place the tables and figures in the space you consider appropriate, and make the calls in correlative form according to the order in which they appear.

-     Tables

Tables should complement the information contained in the text, not duplicate it. Construct the tables with horizontal lines only and within the Word document (do not paste images), number them with Arabic numerals consecutively in the order of the first callout in the text, name each table with a concise and self-explanatory title, and employ table footnotes to explain the callouts within the table and all non-standard abbreviations.

If using data from another published or unpublished source, cite and reference the source. If necessary, obtain the corresponding permit.

-     Figures

Figures (photographs, images and graphics) shall be placed inside the Word file, being announced in the text only as «Figure» and numbered with Arabic numerals in correlative order. The figures shall not have titles, but you shall add captions, in which you can add information about the source, in case the figures are not of your authorship. It is the authors' responsibility to obtain permission for reproduction from the copyright holder.

Also note that all figures should be uploaded to the journal's manuscript submission system as separate, high-resolution files.

7. Other stylistic aspects

  • Acronyms and abbreviations: should be used sparingly and only when it facilitates reading. The first time, use the full word followed by the abbreviation in parentheses (unless the abbreviation is standard usage), thereafter use only the abbreviation.
  • Medications: should be referred to by their generic names.
  • Measurement units: measurements of length, height, weight and volume in metric units (meter, kilogram or liter) or their decimal multiples shall be used. Temperatures should be in degrees Celsius. Arterial pressures should be expressed in millimeters of mercury.
  • Numbers: for the Spanish wording, decimal fractions shall be separated from whole numbers by a comma; thousands and millions by a single space. For writing in English, decimal fractions shall be separated from whole numbers with a period.
  • Statistics:   specify the statistical methods used.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes.

                                                                                                                                                             Updated August 18, 2023