“I Feel Fear”. Work experience in the context of the national health emergency generated by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Second part





The research explored emotions in two people working in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dialogical and participatory research was proposed. Two assumptions guided it. First: certain emotional/labor states/ situations such as vulnerability, uncertainty, fear and precariousness are part of the normality of workers, therefore, the pandemic is aggravating pre-existing situations. Second: working at home results in greater emotional and occupational well-being for the worker. Consensual knowledge supports the first assumption and relativizes the second.



How to Cite

Merino-Solari, R. (2021). “I Feel Fear”. Work experience in the context of the national health emergency generated by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Second part. Acta Herediana, 64(1), 42–49. https://doi.org/10.20453/ah.v64i1.3909