Testimony and representation during the siege of the Intendencia of La Paz in 1782 in the final stage of the insurgency of Tupac Amaru II


  • Ricardo Pinto-Bazurco Mendoza




From a historical point of view, the analysis of "uno cial" sources allows some facts and anonymous characters immersed in their own dynamics and meaning to be searched. As is the case that is collected from the epistolar testimony of a settler of the Intendencia de La Paz (Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata) in l782 during the final stage of the uprising initiated by Tupac Amaru II. Whose testimony also contributes to and enriches the analysis of the process of building representation systems in the midst of a period of great changes and social impact in the late eighteenth century in the Southern Andean.



How to Cite

Pinto-Bazurco Mendoza, R. (2020). Testimony and representation during the siege of the Intendencia of La Paz in 1782 in the final stage of the insurgency of Tupac Amaru II. Acta Herediana, 63(2), 166–174. https://doi.org/10.20453/ah.v63i2.3837