Sanmarquino lexicon: preliminary lexicographic study


  • Luisa Portilla-Durand



Haensch and others point out that Lexicography is closely related to human life in its most varied aspects, making it the discipline that provides the greatest services to the community (1982). Thus, with the preliminary study of the sanmarquino lexicon, the aim is to demonstrate the contribution of Lexicography not only to linguistic research but also to historical and social research. Dictionaries offer lexical collections, which are undoubtedly the central element of the richness of languages and the human possibility of preserving the memory of their shared experiences (Lara, 2006). In this regard, if lexical repertoires of any kind are not recorded, the possibility of knowing the richness of languages is lost and the memory of the experiences shared by their speakers is also lost. In the sanmarquino lexicon, based on the concepts of modern Lexicography, the lexicographic study of the juvenile language is carried out, definitions are proposed and some processes of formation of the colloquial lexicon used by San Marcos undergraduate students are identified.



How to Cite

Portilla-Durand, L. (2020). Sanmarquino lexicon: preliminary lexicographic study. Acta Herediana, 63(2), 158–165.