About the Journal

FOCUS and Scope

The Revista Psicológica Herediana  is a journal sponsored by the Faculty of Psychology of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru; and publishes original articles with relevant content for Psychology and other related disciplines.

The articles sent to the Revista Psicológica Herediana must be original and unpublished and the intellectual property of the authors, they must not have been published or presented for evaluation in another journal, and they may be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

The Revista Psicológica Herediana is is published twice times a year, and is indexed in LILACS,   LATINDEX , Sherpa Romeo, Crossref and ISSN

All the articles published in the Herediana Nursing Journal are under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional license.

The file of your manuscript should be sent to: elizabeth.araujo.r@upch.pe

eISSN: 2663-8797


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