About the Journal

FOCUS and Scope

The Revista Herediana de Rehabilitación is a publication sponsored by the School of Medical Technology of Medical School Alberto Hurtado of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.

The articles sent to the Revista Herediana de Rehabilitación must deal with topics related to the area of Physical rehabilitation, Hearing, speach and language therapy,  and Public health,, besides being original and unpublished. They can be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

La Revista Herediana de Rehabilitación is indexed in  LATINDEX  ,LILACS, DOAJ, Sherpa Romeo e ISSN.

The Revista Herediana de Rehabilitación is published twice  a year and closely follows the policies from   the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), related to clinical trial records, This means that clinical trials submitted for publication,  must be registered and have an ID number in one of the Clinical Trial Registries validated and established by WHO and ICMJE, whose addresses are available on the ICMJE website. The ID number must be included at the end of the article’s summary.

The file of your manuscript should be sent to: famed.revista.rehabilitacion@oficinas-upch.pe

 eISSN: 2518-8526


  • Medical School Alberto Hurtado of the Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia