Accompaniment of the family and the nurse, to the person with tuberculosis to overcome the social stigma




Objective: To understand how the accompaniment provided by the family and the nurse to the person with tuberculosis helps to overcome social stigma. Material and Methods: Given the nature of the research object, a qualitative methodology is necessary, using the content analysis method. He studies reality in its natural context to the people involved, tries to obtain everyday life events that affect their biopsychosocial – spiritual dimensions. The scenario of the study was a MINSA hospital in Callao, Peru, from November to December 2020.  The population consists of 21 participants, with a sample of 8 patients of which 2 were women and 6 men with ages ranging from 18 to 50 years, belonging to the Health Strategy for Control and Prevention of TB. Results: Three categories were generated: “Family accompanies the patient in the experience of social stigma”. “Nurse germ of confidence and hope for the patient with social stigma, carrier of tuberculosis”. “The patient, in the company of the nurse, becomes aware of the care of life and his health”. Conclusions: Patients suffering from tuberculosis presented social stigma, but with the accompaniment of the family and the nurse they managed to complete their treatment successfully and overcome the social stigma, although they experienced shame, and humiliation during the contagion of the disease, their relatives were their confidants so that others do not take knowledge of their state and feel more rejected. They were very grateful for the new experience of   accompaniment, care, good treatment and affective communication that I received from the professional nursing staff, in all the biopsychosocial and spiritual dimensions that helped them overcome discrimination: Social isolation, discouragement and uncertainty.




How to Cite

Burgos Ugaz LM, Surca Rojas TC. Accompaniment of the family and the nurse, to the person with tuberculosis to overcome the social stigma. Rev enferm Herediana. [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];13:28-36. Available from:

