Quality and time of filling nursing annotations in the emergency service, Lima – 2018.


  • Lourdes Álvarez Antezana Hospital Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú.




Objective: To determine the quality of the note nursing and the filling time in the emergency service during the second trimester of 2018. Material and methods: Descriptive study of transverse cut, we worked with the whole population of nurse who works in the service and meets the inclusion criteria, the sample of notes was 245. For the data recollection, it was performed the techniques of documentary analysis, two instruments were developed, the first one evaluated: legality criteria – structure and content, the second one was a checklist, where time was recorded in minutes. Results: Of the 245 notes nursing evaluated, 100% have poor quality. According to the evaluation of the criterion of legality in the notes, 19.6% have good quality, where only 2.9% got the maximum score of 17. Whereas, the 16.2% got a score 16. An average of 6.4 minutes was obtained with a standard deviation of 3.0, with a lower range of 3.4 and a maximum range of 9.4 minutes for the preparation of nursing notes. Conclusions: The quality of the total nursing notes evaluated was poor. The time used by each nurse with 10 patients under their care takes between 34 minutes to 1 hour and 34 minutes. The results justify the implementation of a nursing note that meets criteria with greater emphasis in relation to content criteria, which has the nomenclature NANDA, NIC, NOC.



How to Cite

Álvarez Antezana L. Quality and time of filling nursing annotations in the emergency service, Lima – 2018. Rev enferm Herediana. [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 9 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];12:20-5. Available from: https://revistas.upch.edu.pe/index.php/RENH/article/view/3961