Valoración histórica de la participación deAyacucho en la gesta de la independencia en su bicentenario (1824–2024)


  • Ricardo Pinto-Bazurco Mendoza Historiador con maestría en Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima. Encargado del área de ediciones y publicaciones del Instituto Raúl Porras Barrenechea. Centro de Altos Estudios y de Investigaciones Peruanas (UNMSM), Lima, Perú.



From the perspective of history it is pertinent to analyze the meaning of Ayacucho’s active participation in the emancipatory feat not only as the scene of a transcendental battle but as a symbol that allowed the reconfiguration of an independent nationality and the reaffirmation of a new political regime in our territory after the signing of the Capitulation. However, in the activities alluding to the centenary of the battle and capitulation, in 1924, it was not considered in its proper measure. Near commemorating the bicentennial of the battle and Capitulation of Ayacucho, it is necessary to rethink and value historically the role that the city and its people had; likewise, the different regions of our country, in the emancipatory feat.



How to Cite

Pinto-Bazurco Mendoza, R. (2022). Valoración histórica de la participación deAyacucho en la gesta de la independencia en su bicentenario (1824–2024). Acta Herediana, 65(2), 135–143.